Wednesday, 30 April 2014

O Woe Is Me

Hello my lovely's, I am going to have lots more time for my blog as I am currently off work for 3 weeks as I have my foot in a aircast! 

            Here is the evidence

Don't worry I haven't hurt my self I have got a problem with my feet that has been going on for 10 years this year! It's called plantar fasciitis, basically I have lots of micro tears in the plantar fascia (the ligaments in arch of your foot) and every time I walk it's making it worse so I am having 6 weeks of wearing the 'aircast air select elite' boot to try and help rest it so it might heal. I need it to be as well rested as it can be as we are going to Florida in July so I want to be able to walk around as much as possible! usually after 2/3 days I can bearely put my feet on the floor and have to be pushed round in a wheel chair! Which I hate! I feel like everyone is looking at me thinking why is that girl in a chair she must be lazy. 
I feel like a fraud being in the boot and on crutches too, after only 4 days I have hardly any pain in my right foot which usually hurts 24/7! Which feels amazing! My left foot on the other hand is killing! It's usually my good foot that only aches after I have been standing or walking around for 2hours. 

I am only 25 and I am falling apart!
O woe is me :( 

On a nicer note I am loving the sunshine we have had over the last 3 weeks! And the chocolate eggs from Easter! 

Right now I have very easy living arrangements as I (and hubby) have moved into my parents house as we have sold our house and we want to save some more money for a bigger deposit for our next house. So far I am loving being back at home, everyday my mum makes me clean the kitchen and bathroom as I am home alone while everyone is in work/uni but I don't mind. It's saving us a fortune!
I have taken well to getting into a routine of :-
getting up get washed and clean bathroom 
get dressed have breakfast clean kitchen 
put a wash on and go let Steve out (if you read my posts regularly you will know he is my bunny). Sit with him or change his bedding 
get the washing out to dry 
then the rest of the day is free to go for lunch, sunbathing and getting my eBay work done. Have to say its a working out well for me lol

Well this has been a long quite random post but I am back and enjoying putting down my nonsense thoughts on my blog,

Don't forget to leave a comment and follow me on bloglovin! Link is in the side bar

Until next time have a nice day xXx

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