Sunday, 22 May 2016

Twitter Chat's For Bloggers

Hello my lovely's, I am going to talk a little about blogger chats on Twitter. I have been trying to make a big effort to get involved with some conversations but being a mummy takes up a lot of time and bedtime routines don't really work great in this house, thankfully daddy is the one who does the putting to bed so I can get a little me time. I try to get involved as often as I can. Finding the chats can be a challenge in itself for new bloggers. I have looked through many people's lists of blog chats and thought I would bring you the ones I have found that I am interested in joining in with. I know there are so many more and if you think you know the one I would like please let me know! Obviously, I won't be able to do the ones that are at the same time, so I will be changing it up weekly.

Here we go:

6-7pm: #TheGirlGang This is a fabulous chat for #thegirlgang started by the lovely dorkface
7-8pm.: #bdib All Bloggers
8-9pm.#fbloggers Fashion Bloggers
8 - 9pm: #beautybabble Beauty Bloggers
8 - 9 pm: #pbloggers Parent Bloggers

7-8pm: #AskAblogger All Bloggers
8-9pm: #fblchat Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Bloggers

7 - 8pm: #lbloggers Lifestyle Bloggers
8 - 9pm: #bbloggers Beauty Bloggers
9-10pm: #WelshBloggers Welsh Bloggers

8 - 9pm: #fbloggers Fashion Bloggers
8-9pm: #FDbloggers Bloggers who enjoy cooking/ baking
8-9pm: #Disneybloggers All Bloggers who love Disney (that's everyone isn't it?)

6 - 7pm: #beautychat Beauty Bloggers
8-9pm. #bdib All Bloggers
9-10pm: #UKbloggers UK Bloggers

6-7pm. #socialbloggers All Bloggers

7 - 8 pm: #lbloggers Lifestyle Bloggers
8 - 9 pm: #bbloggers Beauty Bloggers (this seams to be the fastest going chat ever!)

If you see my name pop up in any chats don't forget to say hi :)

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